Sunday 3 July 2011

My weight :(

Recently i've been diagnosed with ADHD and this means i have to take concerta, one of the side effects is a loss of appetite and as i want to lose weight anyway i've been losing weight, i really want to get to 8 stone but ridiculously everyones spazzing coz i lost 3lbs in a week (i'm a little under 9 at the moment) i still have fat bits so it's not like im seriouslty skinny, T_T but APPARANTLY! if i keep on losing weight i won't get the concerta, it's ridiculous, choose between getting help with ADHD or choose between having my body the way i want? it's stupidly unfair D:
Adios. *crawls off to die*

Thursday 16 June 2011

SHinee painting and life update.

SO i know i have all of three followers none of which really seem to follow me :P *shrug* but i felt like updating if only for no other reason than to organise my own thoughts a little
Ok so firstly school has totally calmed down which makes me feel 100 times better, I have my ADHD assessment this friday so that should help tooo. Even though techinically we aren't allowed to be on study leave our school has stopped checking whose in or not so on days when i have no exams or lessons for subjects not yet finished I dont have to go in at all, or if i only have lessons in the afternoon i go in late and if i only have them in the morning well, then i go in and just waltz right back out once im done, same with if i only have an exam to be in for. Its great, the teachers 'dont see us' leaving :P and we just go out through the reception and go home, or to starbucks or wherever we please ^^
Plus i only have two exams left HURRAH! so that makes me super happy. I'll start revising for them soon.

On the weight side, Im feeling totally proud of myself and i hope it continues, IT WILL CONTINUE! i mean i still havent gone past 9st its so frustrating im always 9st0lbs, i dont really go up or down from it, if anything i'll go up by 3lbs if im on, or weigh myself after eating, but the reason i feel proud? because ive finally started to seriously do something about it. I mean, i ache all over. I've got the biggest loser workout DVD and ive done it twice now, its seriously hard and im gonna keep doing workout 1 until it becomes easy then move on to workout 2, i will achieve that perfect body! and food wise, its hard not to snack from boredom but im managing, i had a slight lapse whilst on but thats over now! i'll just allow myself treats every now and then.

Job wise, i went up to camden yesterday and i really wanna work in cyberdog so i talked to someone,, they said hand in your CV and so im gonna do that later this month. :) Also looking at working in waterstones or waitrose if that doesnt work out

Appearance wise, I CAN FINALLY DYE MY HAIR! HELL YEAH !!! UHUH! after the 22nd I can totally dye my hair :P i think...god i hope im allowed it for the leavers service, ive made arrangments to dye it for the 23rd and i think the service is later but if they dont let me go well then i know my mum will kick up a fuss, and my friends will and really its only one stupid ass teacher who'd make an issue, i reckon they'll let me, fingers crossed!
Secondly i gotta get £60 before 22nd JUly, because im gonna get my snakebites then :P im so excited im still a teeny bit unsure whether to do it, but yesterday in camden it felt so right so im gonna go for it!
Im just gonna go in, close my eyes, stick out my lip and deal.  :P why before the 22nd of July? cause i need my awseoem friend there with me, she has a septum piercing and she was totally cool about it, so i need her there for moral support and she's going to brazil for a month from the 22nd so really i gotta do it before that i want her there. Which i do!

On news of Shinee, keychains are finished, T-shirts ready to print (or so my friend says) banners will be made on Saturday and the paintings being worked on Im worried it wont be finished by sunday but goshdarnit i will MAKE IT FINISHED!
Gottta strive hard to achieve what i want right? if it wasnt easy it wouldnt be worth it?

ON my stress list now is:
Learning Japanese
Starting kickboxing and Karate
Practicing my manga (PAGE ONE IS COMPLETE OF WHISPERINGS OF FATE< but sadly, i havent really been practicing drawing that much, manga wise i mean ^^)
however, i think i will worry about those things, AFTER exams
for now im just gonna enjoy all this freee time, revision starts monday :)
SHinee is on sunday.
Tomorrow is a musical with papa dearest
and today is painting, eating and watching T.V ^^
Thursday is my friends art exhibition and dying my hair
and everyday is workout day :P (cept sunday XD)
on sunday i shall simply skip 100 times :)

Sunday 29 May 2011

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Hey there Shawol's! Please follow me *desperation* XD

So this is a post to try and catch the attention of the many Shinee fans i know exist out there! I should probably post a link to my blog in more places to get attention XD why? because im bored of posting stuff noone reads :P and i would love more feedback for my keychain project, I'm already happily overwhelmed with the support they have gotten from Deviant art, even though its only a couple of favs for each one and the odd comment here and there, it still makes me very happy *is easily pleased*.
So please Shawol's, if you stumble across this post or blog, it would make my day to have someone to talk to about Shinee with. i'm severely lacking in friends who love them like I do.
Every day at the moment my thoughts look like this:
Crap! school! Shinee shinee shinee shinee crap! exam, shinee shinee shinee, Japan, Korea, Shinee Shinee shinee, art, weight, Shinee Shinee Shinee pfffffft
and i only have one friend (who i dont see that often T_T ) who likes them!" and she's not even obsessed with them like I am :( What a tough life
! so anyway here's a list of the sort of things i'll be posting:
Scetches of Shinee members
An anime picture of them
Keychains (one more to go: Jonghyun)
Links to DANCES i cover! :D XD im learning dance for the first time EVER! so please, they will probably start of bad, but I hope to improve a lot.
A painting of them
Inking's of them
Hand and digital portrait  painting's (a lot of Taemin ^^')
Maybe even the odd ol story about them.
Links to new songs
Merchandise talk (im making a Shinee t-shirt)
and my textile's adventure in which I try and recreate outfits I adore that Shinee have worn!.
Also look out for some 2ne1 stuff. 2ne1 are my favourite girl band! so expect stuff on them too!.
In addition, pictures of clothes I have brought that copy Shinee's styling.
and in the future, there is the possibility of my comic called 'Stardom' being posted, which is basically about Shinee and their interactions with my character's band called Zombie S, yes it is a bit of shameless wishful thinking that I could become a famous Kpop Idol XD im not even korean, but we all have impossible dreams right?

On a side note XD
it's my birthday soon :D  looking forward to it, yet nervous I will be dissapointed, my mum didnt seem to have a clear idea of what I want this year. But hopefully I will be pleasantly surprised ^^ FInished exams for this week anyhow! YES NO MORE ENGLISH T_T *tears of joy* and so, I enter the half term, after which I will probably die of stress, but for now, take each day at a time and enjoy life as it is.
I aim to have the Keychains finished by the end of May, and to finish the canvas picture of Shinee, the Shawol t-shirt and to have learn the dances to Lucifer and Replay by June 19th. :) Please wish me luck!
Mata ne!

Friday 20 May 2011

My school is so. So. so. English

LOOOOL! SO we all finished our exams for the week and we heard there was gonna be a surprise on thursday. We'd already had a free breakfast at the beginning of the week so as a joke me and my friends said, 'Oh i bet it'll be a free tea or something'
Science, last lesson our teacher tells us she's going to take us somewhere instead of to year assembly as we normally go to on a thursday.
Enter the refectory, what do we see? FREE TEA XD
Our refectory is pretty much a collection of about four to a table, some high, some low, some circle, some rectangular, and on every one was three plates, one with strawberries and scones on it, another with shortbread, another with cherries and grapes, and finally three chocolate YUM muffins sprinkled with icing sugar on the table next to them. Along with a mug of juice and someone going round pouring out tea for us,
so we had afternoon scones and tea.
And today in textiles we had afternoon tea and shortbread.
what can i say? I know for sure im in england when our school does this XD but it was nice, and as we left we all got a goody bag (haribo's, chocolate, A FREE PEN :D ) XD So cool. sometimes my schools OK. :)

Wednesday 18 May 2011


Minho at last

FINALLY! I've been so busy, im so scared I wont finish these and the canvas picture and the t-shirt in time for June! GOTTA WORK HARD! FIGHTING!

Thursday 12 May 2011

Lifes stresses

Recently I've been faced with the possibility that I have ADHD, and truthfully I hope I have it as it means a reason for why I've been finding things so hard, and will mean I can finally get the help I need and medication to improve my learning, then maybe I can start achieving what I know I'm capable off without quite so much blood and tears being spilt.
School has been stressing me out incredibly, my exams start this Monday and in all honesty I have done FUCK ALL to prepare for them. Crap. I feel fairly confident for Art and science (funnily enough the two subjects im taking variations of for GCSE) but everything else. Nada. Zilch. Nein. *sigh* and then there's ICT coursework and Travel and Tourism subject (honestly the most boring subject in this entire world) I have the Shinee keychains I want to finish, AND the canvas painting, and the anime picture of them and all the little paintings, scetches and inkworks I want to complete before June.
And if that wasn't all enough, I have a freaking specialisim comic to try and complete, which is making me feel guilty enough. Really, my personal aspirations stress me out just as much, if not more, than schoolwork does. Which brings me onto the point that I really feel like i've lost my ability to write. I think I need to read more, but all vocabulary and sentence structure, spelling and grammar, have gone out of the window. Not the most usuful thing in the world considering I have an english exam as my FIRST exam. Great,
To top it all off, I have my weight loss preying on my mind. Am I eating too much? Doing enough exercise? Taking care of my body? i've started an exercise routine but it's gonna be hard to keep up with exams round the corner because it's so time consuming. Time consuming is good, if it doesnt mean less revision time or personal artwork. Or dancing. Because I really want to learn the dance to Genie by SNSD, I need to finish learning what a girl wants, I just want to be able to dance it through without having to refer to the original video T_T and I need to get around to filming it and putting it up for *prays* constructive critique.
And then I want to learn Lucifer by June 17th. Thats my goal.
Then I have the clothes I want to get preying on my mind. It's dumb I know, but dressing well is something that stresses me out. On my wish list:
Plain blue skinnies (i actually have NO plain skinnies)
A large top with writing on it
Cool t-shirt
Plain long sleeved top
Stripey t-shirt
Black/denim high waisted shorts
Short leather jacket
and finally, loose cream jumper.
*sigh* money, money money.
It just eats at me, I want clothes but then I get them and I cant decide on an outfit, or I find Im missing something important so I cant wear something I want to,
DAMMIT! couldnt I just be skinny already so virtually anything would look good!
This is all frustrating me so much.
Why couldnt I just me one of those relaxed people who take life in their stride? Or someone who can actually manage to get off their asses and work when they need to.
In addition, my 2ne1 keychains are painfully bad but I cant figure out how to improve them, and because I did them so long ago there pretty much awfully put together layers wise, I may just spend an evening organising the layers, but then thats More time wasted.
I also really wanna get started on that Korean recipe and to get started revising my Japanese.
I NEED to manage my time better, but when I dont want to work. I find it SO hard to work well.
UGH @_@ heeelp!

Sunday 8 May 2011

2ne1 Keychains and my room

SO I finally finished them and like I said, they bite ass! then again they were done when I was 13 and I only just got round to finishing off colouring Boms top to finish them XD how lazy am I! 2 whole years later >.< YIKES! I know Dara and Bommie look worst but CL's is ok HURRAY! Im gonna actually wear hers I think, I think its a problem with Boms nose and cheecks, and Dara's neck.  and I wanna just say ah I'll redo them but Its gonna bug me until I fix it >.< i can feel it nagging at me all the time. *sighs and opens paintshoppro back up*
Oh on a random note! I finally learn the 4minute dance to what a girl wants, its not well and I wanna practice a bit more until theres no hesitation but Ive learnt the steps now to finetune them ^^
And finally! I GET TO GO TO MY ROOM! HURRAY! In the attic, its finished! I spent the whole day painting it and wallpapering it yesterday (to the blissful sounds of Shinee, 4 minute, brown eyed girls and 2ne1) with my mum, now to put my posters up (Lm.c ! God i need a Shinee one >.< ) and to move all my stuff up there, then it should be ready for exams. I have my ADHD final assessment on tuesday but me and my mum are pretty sure I have it, so then I can get lots of helpful drugs to help me concentrate in exams and start working and stop procrastinating like im doing right now, at this very minute ahahahahaha.
Well I dont think there as bad as they could have been, i mean I did go over and neaten up a couple of things but because my layers were all horribly messed up and unnamed and such (I was 13 and they were my first time using layers) It was hard to edit properly without destroying the picture.
こんにちわときょうわあついですね!so enjoy <3

Onew finished

AAAAH I dont feel like Ive done any of them justice, (especially not Key's >.< ) but then again I am only 15, so I shouldnt be too harsh on myself right? RIGHT T_T should I sell them? almost feels wrong too, maybe 50p each.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Onew draft

Ewwwwwwwwwww I cant wait till I can actually paint them by hand, I think it'll end up better and i can scetch them to get them right. ANyway this is a draft! anything wrong?
I tried to stay true to the scetch, i know his chin is a bit wonky. Im gonna fix >.<

Day 1 Art exam, Japanese UNI! Korean and SHining Shinee

So first i'll start with the Korean and SHinee as they are the funnest things to write about :), I really want to go on a Korean diet, but like i've said it just isnt going to work in my family so i've settled for the next best thing, my mums given me permission to try and find a couple of Korean recipes (breakfast, lunch and tea) that we'd all like and I give them to her with all the details (such as recipe step by step and the details of our local Korean store (H-mart) ) and then I make it with her supervising so i can practice. I cant wait, first dish will be Yukgaejing (i think thats right, its off the top of my head so :P ) spicy beef and vegetable soup OMNOMNOM Im loving vegetables at the moment!
Secondly, I really wanna learn some basic Korean and I need to be revising my japanese as ive forgotton EVERYTHING T_T I feel so awful about that, I still know basics though (@_@ painfully little now though :( ) Oh well Japanese starts again on Monday and until then i'll be searching Korean. I think Saraghae is love to a guy and Saranghamida is love said to a girl but thats probably absoloutely wrong XD
Thirdly, SHinee, My friend who also loves them has a family business of t-shirt printing HURRAH! amazing! we can have our own t-shirts made ^^ to show them our love for june, of course i still want to talk to my textiles teacher about making my own patterns (and I need to finish the Goddamn lolita dress eheh ^^' shizzle i better get that  back to school before the examiner comes) but yeah its a good step. Hehe and Ive been watching flower boy generation with SHinee and 100% entertainment so much my brain only wants to speak korean and mandarin but it doesnt know how. Frustrating!
I watched an episode where Shinee made a surprise appearance in a korean highscool, if that had been me I would have died. I wish I was more courageous, and I really want to be able to dance! but cant find the time to go to a class T_T i would love to just wow SHinee with my dancing, its my dream! FIGHTING!
I daydreamed everything I would say and ideally how it would go ^^  Me: < OBSSESSED ^^''
On the Shinee keychains: Onew is almost finished! Hurrah only Minho and Ugh Jonghyun to go. Jonghyun is hard to draw :( I need to paint him. GODDAMIT i wanna draw them all so much but i have to refrain until ive finished the keychains, i need to give myself order. Darn i hope I have ADHD so i get those drugs for concentration >.<

Now onto AMAZING news, apparantly the Japanese embassy really want more British people studying Japanese uni's so they are setting up a scheme, my stepdad is finding out more but if i can go on that scheme, I will be so very, very happy!

What I ate:
Breakfast: Wheetabix with banana and honey, tea
Lunch: an Apple and a strawberry milkshake
Tea: The rest of my banana, chicken stirfry with vegetables, Strawberries and creme freche.
Ugh I ate so much T_T ahaha but it was all healthy so, so far so good!
Walked to school XD Did 20 weights up and down, 15 lifting up and 20 situps. Learnt the dance to what a girl wants the whole way through >.< Not perfectly, now I need to refine, especially the chorus, yikes hand and leg coordination suck!
Will weigh myself on the 19th May :) to see if theres a difference!
My clothes from YesStyle should be arriving around then!

And finally the art exam (jeebus this is the longest thing ive posted so far hehe )
I think it went well, I managed to do the ZOmbie apocolaypse and finish the first girl and her monster (jeez i sound morbid :D ) and now Im just finishing off my mind maps T_T OTHEJOY!
So wish me luck for tomorrow, I will work hard to get that A*! Hopefully i have refined enough this time ¬¬ Friggin teachers. :P PSSSH

Sunday 1 May 2011

I feel stressed and my SHinee prep list

First the Shinee prep list, as Its a much happier topic hehe
FInish SHinee keychains
make SHinnee t-shirt
Doodle scetches of Shinee
paint Shinee(and by that i mean hand paint realistically onto a canvas, so i can hold it up and show them the picture ^^ UWAA I need to get working on that) its so annoying I have exams up till june so that I cant have more time to prepare Im going to have no free time with all my Shinee projects taking it up.
and I still dont revise enough T_T but  then again, exams arent so important to me ... :S

And on that note, I feel hugely stressed because I have my art exam on TUESDAY T_T! and im still unprepared, desperately trying to fill my scetchbook.
Ive spent the past hour or so painting zombies to the beautiful voices of Shinee, 2ne1, beast and 4minute :P I go through every one of their songs over and over on a playlist loop whilst working on art.
On top of that, ive just realised i have a week until my english exam which im also entirelly unprepared for. OHTHEJOY why school why? @_@ I JUST WANNA DO ART AND DANCE! T_T WHy DO YOU INTEFERE?

and On a final note
I want to learn korean.badly! Anyone who knows please post and help me out!

Saturday 30 April 2011

Onew keychain and PSP

Paintshop pro is fucking up just as I start Onew's keychain T_T, it cant fuck up now! Not when ive promised myself to be prepared for the 19th of June and this is one of the rare days I have free from working and exam prep >.< WHY PSP? WHY?
God it sucks, plus im unsure about Onew's lineart, im worried I havent done the scetch justice :S TIme will only tell
Besides from that, I got some baggy trousers and a huge cardigan today ^^ SO im happy, i love huge clothes, so much more comfortable than tight ones. At least until I get a body im proud of :)

Friday 29 April 2011


So I just found out Shinee are coming to London, good right?
YES: it makes me happy they are in the same city as me and no longer across the world >.< I will be going into london every day to catch a glimpse of them hopefully out and about UWAAA that would be so amazing T_T
And that it means they may even one day hold a gig here. A PROPER ONE YOU BLASTED EMI T_T
NO: As its only a small EXCLUSIVE performance for JAPANESE fans in London. UGH that sucks horribly.
But my plan is to camp outside Abbey Studio's where they will be and hopefully catch them arriving, from what Ive seen lots of British Shawols are gonna be doing that too and I hope they are, because I do NOT want to be on my lonesome and I wanna know where they will be arriving and so If a group of people are amassed in a certain place, that would be a good clue XD
But seriously, Im really excited and nervous at the same time
I want my keychains done before they get here so I can flash them at Shinee, XD and i want to do a load of scetched off them in a book so that if i do, by some miracle, get a signing, then I can 'show' them the scetches as i flick through to a blank page :P MWAHAHAHA
Ugh that'd be so wonderful
Scetchbook, its time for me and you to make up D:
Please, please, please wish me luck. Its not till June so i've got time, but GOD I hope I will be able to meet them. I think i'd die of nerves and happiness but it would be SO worth it. T_T
I need to practice my Japanese, start learning Korean and get hot before Shinee arrive in London.

YesStyle and that perfect figure

Hurrr so I know this post isn't about art but really it's something thats been on my mind for a while now. I'd LOVE to slim down, so I'm not fat and yes I am slim, I know that much, it's not like I look in the mirror and think O LAWDY how i've let myself go then again I still look in the mirror and think UGh definetly not how I would like to look. Don't get me wrong, I am not shallow and I am not doing this for the guys, it's for myself, so that when I wear a close fitting top or a pair of short shorts I don't feel uncomfortable or gross, so I can feel happy in my own skin and feel fit and healthy because really i've been treating exercise like some kind of disease the past few weeks, food also @_@
The first thing I want to do is slim down my thighs, I used to do karate and built quite a bit of muscle that way but as i was eating quite a bit it also  meant no fat was burnt off, now i'd love skinnier thighs, secondly I would love to get rid of my stomach V, i have a small cushion of fat on my stomach that protudes out a bit, it looks fine when im topless Hurr but if i wear a top it accents it so that i look fatter than i am. I have so much muscle underneath it from countless situp attempts but still no burning off fat.
And my arms are probably the part i cant live with anymore, they are huge, i dont know if thats muscle, fat or a combo but they need to go! So Ive been looking around and really everything boils down to eat healthier and do more exercise. I think to myself but I do eat healthily! But then again, i can always eat healthier and I'd love to start a korean diet but my mum won't allow it, due to my three other siblings who she'd have to cater for as well.
So what Im thinking is i may try and not snack, eat breakfast and a small lunch and dinner, allowing myself one tiny meal like thing in between, also im going to try and start eating more fish  @_@ and rice as a compromise for the korean diet. Soup as well is something I love so that will go into my meal plan.
Now for exercise is the bit that im finding most difficult, its not that i wouldnt love to join a gymn but theres no time for me to at the moment, i would start karate again but im in the middle of GCSEs so all i can really do is home exercise and boy oh boy do I suck at that.
I have these great rollerblades that I would love to get down to doing but again, theres nowhere for me to use them, id love to start cycling but theres nowhere i can cycle @_@ Its a huge pain. So what Im thinking is I will try and walk more places, on the weekend and do situps, squats and arm weights at home. In a months time if it's made no difference at all, then I'll have to rethink this exercise strategy.
I have a trampoline too so I will try and start doing that, and theres a cross trainer in the garden that I will do ONCE a week :P because repetitive exercise bores the hell outa me.
AH i hate this i wish i was just skinny already so i could just focus on maintaining it @_@ darnit >.<
How does this relate to YesStyle?
Well my dad just ordered me four items from there :D OTL :D
and I really want to fit into them T_T so I need to get skinner.
Time to stop munching on greasy snacks and meals,
time to start walking more and stop catching the bus XD
TIme to start doing more home exercise T_T
TIme to start making more out of my weekeneds 0-0
WOO! Wish me luck XD
If anyone read to the end of this post they are FRIGGIN AMAZING ahahaa its pretty boring I know, Gomen yo!

Thursday 28 April 2011

FOLLOW Me and be my AMIGO plus: dance

So recently I have been obsessing over SHinee and 2ne1, they have to be my alltime favourite Kpop bands (I only say Kpop because my love for Lm.c and Gazette runs deep) I don't think there's a single song I dislike by them, and I have been so inspired that I decided I wanted to make my own keychains for them ^^ Which hopefully if people like I could sell but I doubt it so instead I will just have them for myself as a beacon of my love to all who pass my bag :D HURRAH!
I must say though that the SHinee ones I started recently are a far sight better than my 2ne1 ones (which isn't saying much XD) But then that is also a good thing as it means I am growing as an artist! I think my 2ne1 keychains are too realistic and my Shinee slightly realistic also. Then again I think no matter how hard I try I can never paint too simplistically, it just isn't in me to do so! :P
So here they are in Lucifer and Replay because really they have to be my two favourite songs by SHinee!!! I am addicted to the songs and the dances >.<

On top of this obsession I also have about the biggest girl crush ever on CL of 2ne1! SHe is my idol, I aspire to me like her, i would post a picture but somethings messing up and the school bell just rang XD

 recently i've had an obsession with YesStyle clothing as my clothing sucks @_@ Its so hard for me to dress fashionably, it takes a real effort :P I've also been longing for Carrottops but im getting off topic. THe long and short of it is is that SHinee and 2ne1 are amazing and I love them to bits! So please, if you love them too then 'FOLLOW ME'  and be my 'AMIGO' Because im sorely lacking in friends to spaz about them with XD
On a final note I will be trying to learn the dance to replay which is a major challenge for me as I completely suck at dancing XD but im going to start small, improve my movements and coordination and work towards it, I will be posting links to some youtube videos of the dances i puruse in order to reach this goal. My sisters a dancer so i figure, hey! I should have some dancing blood in me then! :P I hope to be able to achieve this dream and finish my keychains. Wish me luck! And please, comment kindly ^^

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Just realised I havent added Taeminnie :D
Here he is, Key all finished ^^
HURRR I think thats better >< I didnt wanna be too brutal with his nose @_@ but if its still too undefined tell me. :S
Here ya go a really rough cop of key. (im gonna lift up the end of the left eyebrow a bti and connect the little side grin more but this is pretty much what its gonna be unless you suggest otherwise. :S

Monday 25 April 2011

An Introduction and buy a SHinee limited edition

So this is the new art project I've been working on whilst I should be doing preparations for my art GCSE, I've been designing my SHinee keychains, now really I'm pleased with how the first one (Taemin) turned out and unpleased as is usually the way, there's something bugging me about him but other people seem to like it so...^^ I will try and be satisified, but as usual Im striving for perfection where it can't be achieved. So improvement will just have to do.
Right now the introduction.
Ok well I've started a blog before but that crashed and burned so really I'm gonnna try hard to get this blog going. Im still not entirely sure what you blog on a place like this but i'll attempt to stay interesting and new! ^^ Of course it'd help to have followers who read my blog first and then posted what they'd like to see, but hey the start of something is always slow :)