Tuesday 24 May 2011

Hey there Shawol's! Please follow me *desperation* XD

So this is a post to try and catch the attention of the many Shinee fans i know exist out there! I should probably post a link to my blog in more places to get attention XD why? because im bored of posting stuff noone reads :P and i would love more feedback for my keychain project, I'm already happily overwhelmed with the support they have gotten from Deviant art, even though its only a couple of favs for each one and the odd comment here and there, it still makes me very happy *is easily pleased*.
So please Shawol's, if you stumble across this post or blog, it would make my day to have someone to talk to about Shinee with. i'm severely lacking in friends who love them like I do.
Every day at the moment my thoughts look like this:
Crap! school! Shinee shinee shinee shinee crap! exam, shinee shinee shinee, Japan, Korea, Shinee Shinee shinee, art, weight, Shinee Shinee Shinee pfffffft
and i only have one friend (who i dont see that often T_T ) who likes them!" and she's not even obsessed with them like I am :( What a tough life
! so anyway here's a list of the sort of things i'll be posting:
Scetches of Shinee members
An anime picture of them
Keychains (one more to go: Jonghyun)
Links to DANCES i cover! :D XD im learning dance for the first time EVER! so please, they will probably start of bad, but I hope to improve a lot.
A painting of them
Inking's of them
Hand and digital portrait  painting's (a lot of Taemin ^^')
Maybe even the odd ol story about them.
Links to new songs
Merchandise talk (im making a Shinee t-shirt)
and my textile's adventure in which I try and recreate outfits I adore that Shinee have worn!.
Also look out for some 2ne1 stuff. 2ne1 are my favourite girl band! so expect stuff on them too!.
In addition, pictures of clothes I have brought that copy Shinee's styling.
and in the future, there is the possibility of my comic called 'Stardom' being posted, which is basically about Shinee and their interactions with my character's band called Zombie S, yes it is a bit of shameless wishful thinking that I could become a famous Kpop Idol XD im not even korean, but we all have impossible dreams right?

On a side note XD
it's my birthday soon :D  looking forward to it, yet nervous I will be dissapointed, my mum didnt seem to have a clear idea of what I want this year. But hopefully I will be pleasantly surprised ^^ FInished exams for this week anyhow! YES NO MORE ENGLISH T_T *tears of joy* and so, I enter the half term, after which I will probably die of stress, but for now, take each day at a time and enjoy life as it is.
I aim to have the Keychains finished by the end of May, and to finish the canvas picture of Shinee, the Shawol t-shirt and to have learn the dances to Lucifer and Replay by June 19th. :) Please wish me luck!
Mata ne!

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