Thursday 12 May 2011

Lifes stresses

Recently I've been faced with the possibility that I have ADHD, and truthfully I hope I have it as it means a reason for why I've been finding things so hard, and will mean I can finally get the help I need and medication to improve my learning, then maybe I can start achieving what I know I'm capable off without quite so much blood and tears being spilt.
School has been stressing me out incredibly, my exams start this Monday and in all honesty I have done FUCK ALL to prepare for them. Crap. I feel fairly confident for Art and science (funnily enough the two subjects im taking variations of for GCSE) but everything else. Nada. Zilch. Nein. *sigh* and then there's ICT coursework and Travel and Tourism subject (honestly the most boring subject in this entire world) I have the Shinee keychains I want to finish, AND the canvas painting, and the anime picture of them and all the little paintings, scetches and inkworks I want to complete before June.
And if that wasn't all enough, I have a freaking specialisim comic to try and complete, which is making me feel guilty enough. Really, my personal aspirations stress me out just as much, if not more, than schoolwork does. Which brings me onto the point that I really feel like i've lost my ability to write. I think I need to read more, but all vocabulary and sentence structure, spelling and grammar, have gone out of the window. Not the most usuful thing in the world considering I have an english exam as my FIRST exam. Great,
To top it all off, I have my weight loss preying on my mind. Am I eating too much? Doing enough exercise? Taking care of my body? i've started an exercise routine but it's gonna be hard to keep up with exams round the corner because it's so time consuming. Time consuming is good, if it doesnt mean less revision time or personal artwork. Or dancing. Because I really want to learn the dance to Genie by SNSD, I need to finish learning what a girl wants, I just want to be able to dance it through without having to refer to the original video T_T and I need to get around to filming it and putting it up for *prays* constructive critique.
And then I want to learn Lucifer by June 17th. Thats my goal.
Then I have the clothes I want to get preying on my mind. It's dumb I know, but dressing well is something that stresses me out. On my wish list:
Plain blue skinnies (i actually have NO plain skinnies)
A large top with writing on it
Cool t-shirt
Plain long sleeved top
Stripey t-shirt
Black/denim high waisted shorts
Short leather jacket
and finally, loose cream jumper.
*sigh* money, money money.
It just eats at me, I want clothes but then I get them and I cant decide on an outfit, or I find Im missing something important so I cant wear something I want to,
DAMMIT! couldnt I just be skinny already so virtually anything would look good!
This is all frustrating me so much.
Why couldnt I just me one of those relaxed people who take life in their stride? Or someone who can actually manage to get off their asses and work when they need to.
In addition, my 2ne1 keychains are painfully bad but I cant figure out how to improve them, and because I did them so long ago there pretty much awfully put together layers wise, I may just spend an evening organising the layers, but then thats More time wasted.
I also really wanna get started on that Korean recipe and to get started revising my Japanese.
I NEED to manage my time better, but when I dont want to work. I find it SO hard to work well.
UGH @_@ heeelp!

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