Tuesday 3 May 2011

Day 1 Art exam, Japanese UNI! Korean and SHining Shinee

So first i'll start with the Korean and SHinee as they are the funnest things to write about :), I really want to go on a Korean diet, but like i've said it just isnt going to work in my family so i've settled for the next best thing, my mums given me permission to try and find a couple of Korean recipes (breakfast, lunch and tea) that we'd all like and I give them to her with all the details (such as recipe step by step and the details of our local Korean store (H-mart) ) and then I make it with her supervising so i can practice. I cant wait, first dish will be Yukgaejing (i think thats right, its off the top of my head so :P ) spicy beef and vegetable soup OMNOMNOM Im loving vegetables at the moment!
Secondly, I really wanna learn some basic Korean and I need to be revising my japanese as ive forgotton EVERYTHING T_T I feel so awful about that, I still know basics though (@_@ painfully little now though :( ) Oh well Japanese starts again on Monday and until then i'll be searching Korean. I think Saraghae is love to a guy and Saranghamida is love said to a girl but thats probably absoloutely wrong XD
Thirdly, SHinee, My friend who also loves them has a family business of t-shirt printing HURRAH! amazing! we can have our own t-shirts made ^^ to show them our love for june, of course i still want to talk to my textiles teacher about making my own patterns (and I need to finish the Goddamn lolita dress eheh ^^' shizzle i better get that  back to school before the examiner comes) but yeah its a good step. Hehe and Ive been watching flower boy generation with SHinee and 100% entertainment so much my brain only wants to speak korean and mandarin but it doesnt know how. Frustrating!
I watched an episode where Shinee made a surprise appearance in a korean highscool, if that had been me I would have died. I wish I was more courageous, and I really want to be able to dance! but cant find the time to go to a class T_T i would love to just wow SHinee with my dancing, its my dream! FIGHTING!
I daydreamed everything I would say and ideally how it would go ^^  Me: < OBSSESSED ^^''
On the Shinee keychains: Onew is almost finished! Hurrah only Minho and Ugh Jonghyun to go. Jonghyun is hard to draw :( I need to paint him. GODDAMIT i wanna draw them all so much but i have to refrain until ive finished the keychains, i need to give myself order. Darn i hope I have ADHD so i get those drugs for concentration >.<

Now onto AMAZING news, apparantly the Japanese embassy really want more British people studying Japanese uni's so they are setting up a scheme, my stepdad is finding out more but if i can go on that scheme, I will be so very, very happy!

What I ate:
Breakfast: Wheetabix with banana and honey, tea
Lunch: an Apple and a strawberry milkshake
Tea: The rest of my banana, chicken stirfry with vegetables, Strawberries and creme freche.
Ugh I ate so much T_T ahaha but it was all healthy so, so far so good!
Walked to school XD Did 20 weights up and down, 15 lifting up and 20 situps. Learnt the dance to what a girl wants the whole way through >.< Not perfectly, now I need to refine, especially the chorus, yikes hand and leg coordination suck!
Will weigh myself on the 19th May :) to see if theres a difference!
My clothes from YesStyle should be arriving around then!

And finally the art exam (jeebus this is the longest thing ive posted so far hehe )
I think it went well, I managed to do the ZOmbie apocolaypse and finish the first girl and her monster (jeez i sound morbid :D ) and now Im just finishing off my mind maps T_T OTHEJOY!
So wish me luck for tomorrow, I will work hard to get that A*! Hopefully i have refined enough this time ¬¬ Friggin teachers. :P PSSSH

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