Sunday 1 May 2011

I feel stressed and my SHinee prep list

First the Shinee prep list, as Its a much happier topic hehe
FInish SHinee keychains
make SHinnee t-shirt
Doodle scetches of Shinee
paint Shinee(and by that i mean hand paint realistically onto a canvas, so i can hold it up and show them the picture ^^ UWAA I need to get working on that) its so annoying I have exams up till june so that I cant have more time to prepare Im going to have no free time with all my Shinee projects taking it up.
and I still dont revise enough T_T but  then again, exams arent so important to me ... :S

And on that note, I feel hugely stressed because I have my art exam on TUESDAY T_T! and im still unprepared, desperately trying to fill my scetchbook.
Ive spent the past hour or so painting zombies to the beautiful voices of Shinee, 2ne1, beast and 4minute :P I go through every one of their songs over and over on a playlist loop whilst working on art.
On top of that, ive just realised i have a week until my english exam which im also entirelly unprepared for. OHTHEJOY why school why? @_@ I JUST WANNA DO ART AND DANCE! T_T WHy DO YOU INTEFERE?

and On a final note
I want to learn korean.badly! Anyone who knows please post and help me out!

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