Friday 20 May 2011

My school is so. So. so. English

LOOOOL! SO we all finished our exams for the week and we heard there was gonna be a surprise on thursday. We'd already had a free breakfast at the beginning of the week so as a joke me and my friends said, 'Oh i bet it'll be a free tea or something'
Science, last lesson our teacher tells us she's going to take us somewhere instead of to year assembly as we normally go to on a thursday.
Enter the refectory, what do we see? FREE TEA XD
Our refectory is pretty much a collection of about four to a table, some high, some low, some circle, some rectangular, and on every one was three plates, one with strawberries and scones on it, another with shortbread, another with cherries and grapes, and finally three chocolate YUM muffins sprinkled with icing sugar on the table next to them. Along with a mug of juice and someone going round pouring out tea for us,
so we had afternoon scones and tea.
And today in textiles we had afternoon tea and shortbread.
what can i say? I know for sure im in england when our school does this XD but it was nice, and as we left we all got a goody bag (haribo's, chocolate, A FREE PEN :D ) XD So cool. sometimes my schools OK. :)

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