Sunday 8 May 2011

2ne1 Keychains and my room

SO I finally finished them and like I said, they bite ass! then again they were done when I was 13 and I only just got round to finishing off colouring Boms top to finish them XD how lazy am I! 2 whole years later >.< YIKES! I know Dara and Bommie look worst but CL's is ok HURRAY! Im gonna actually wear hers I think, I think its a problem with Boms nose and cheecks, and Dara's neck.  and I wanna just say ah I'll redo them but Its gonna bug me until I fix it >.< i can feel it nagging at me all the time. *sighs and opens paintshoppro back up*
Oh on a random note! I finally learn the 4minute dance to what a girl wants, its not well and I wanna practice a bit more until theres no hesitation but Ive learnt the steps now to finetune them ^^
And finally! I GET TO GO TO MY ROOM! HURRAY! In the attic, its finished! I spent the whole day painting it and wallpapering it yesterday (to the blissful sounds of Shinee, 4 minute, brown eyed girls and 2ne1) with my mum, now to put my posters up (Lm.c ! God i need a Shinee one >.< ) and to move all my stuff up there, then it should be ready for exams. I have my ADHD final assessment on tuesday but me and my mum are pretty sure I have it, so then I can get lots of helpful drugs to help me concentrate in exams and start working and stop procrastinating like im doing right now, at this very minute ahahahahaha.
Well I dont think there as bad as they could have been, i mean I did go over and neaten up a couple of things but because my layers were all horribly messed up and unnamed and such (I was 13 and they were my first time using layers) It was hard to edit properly without destroying the picture.
こんにちわときょうわあついですね!so enjoy <3

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