Friday 29 April 2011

YesStyle and that perfect figure

Hurrr so I know this post isn't about art but really it's something thats been on my mind for a while now. I'd LOVE to slim down, so I'm not fat and yes I am slim, I know that much, it's not like I look in the mirror and think O LAWDY how i've let myself go then again I still look in the mirror and think UGh definetly not how I would like to look. Don't get me wrong, I am not shallow and I am not doing this for the guys, it's for myself, so that when I wear a close fitting top or a pair of short shorts I don't feel uncomfortable or gross, so I can feel happy in my own skin and feel fit and healthy because really i've been treating exercise like some kind of disease the past few weeks, food also @_@
The first thing I want to do is slim down my thighs, I used to do karate and built quite a bit of muscle that way but as i was eating quite a bit it also  meant no fat was burnt off, now i'd love skinnier thighs, secondly I would love to get rid of my stomach V, i have a small cushion of fat on my stomach that protudes out a bit, it looks fine when im topless Hurr but if i wear a top it accents it so that i look fatter than i am. I have so much muscle underneath it from countless situp attempts but still no burning off fat.
And my arms are probably the part i cant live with anymore, they are huge, i dont know if thats muscle, fat or a combo but they need to go! So Ive been looking around and really everything boils down to eat healthier and do more exercise. I think to myself but I do eat healthily! But then again, i can always eat healthier and I'd love to start a korean diet but my mum won't allow it, due to my three other siblings who she'd have to cater for as well.
So what Im thinking is i may try and not snack, eat breakfast and a small lunch and dinner, allowing myself one tiny meal like thing in between, also im going to try and start eating more fish  @_@ and rice as a compromise for the korean diet. Soup as well is something I love so that will go into my meal plan.
Now for exercise is the bit that im finding most difficult, its not that i wouldnt love to join a gymn but theres no time for me to at the moment, i would start karate again but im in the middle of GCSEs so all i can really do is home exercise and boy oh boy do I suck at that.
I have these great rollerblades that I would love to get down to doing but again, theres nowhere for me to use them, id love to start cycling but theres nowhere i can cycle @_@ Its a huge pain. So what Im thinking is I will try and walk more places, on the weekend and do situps, squats and arm weights at home. In a months time if it's made no difference at all, then I'll have to rethink this exercise strategy.
I have a trampoline too so I will try and start doing that, and theres a cross trainer in the garden that I will do ONCE a week :P because repetitive exercise bores the hell outa me.
AH i hate this i wish i was just skinny already so i could just focus on maintaining it @_@ darnit >.<
How does this relate to YesStyle?
Well my dad just ordered me four items from there :D OTL :D
and I really want to fit into them T_T so I need to get skinner.
Time to stop munching on greasy snacks and meals,
time to start walking more and stop catching the bus XD
TIme to start doing more home exercise T_T
TIme to start making more out of my weekeneds 0-0
WOO! Wish me luck XD
If anyone read to the end of this post they are FRIGGIN AMAZING ahahaa its pretty boring I know, Gomen yo!

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